Friday, November 12, 2010

Scot is HOME

I spoke of this story about a year ago on my blog about Scot Noss, the son of a family friend who was seriously injured while serving in Afghanistan.  I am happy to announce that yesterday, Veteran's Day, Scot and his wife RyAnne received the keys to their new house.  This house was specially built for Scot and donated by Homes For Our Troops.  This is such a relief and gift for his family.  Scot is now able to be home with his wife.

Of course there was a full ceremony and news coverage.  I was happy to find the link last night from the local news.  The house looks beautiful and just what Scot and RyAnne need.

I know that I have several Alabama readers to this blog.  Please check out the local businesses that helped make this possible.  When you support them, they are able to help make this type of fantastic donation.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

6 Years Old

Six years ago our sweet Nora Beth joined the family.  At that time we had no idea the amount of glitter, princess paraphernalia or noise that was about to embark on our household.  I cannot imagine life without it today!  It is unreal that six years has passed.  Happy Birthday Nora Beth!!

For her birthday party she chose to have it at the pumpkin patch.  It was a cold, wet, windy day but it did not seem to bother all the party goers!  The girls all ran and played in the mud and the hay slide.  What troopers! 

 Nora Beth wanted wanted pink, sparkly cupcakes.  What I created just thrilled her!

Friday, November 5, 2010

A Simple Holiday

I went into Costco last week and I was overwhelmed with the amount of Christmas stuff already out.  It was not even Halloween yet!!  It seems like the real meaning of the Holiday has been completely lost to a society created need for consumerism.  I was facing a whole section of the store that was filled with just crap.  Where is the quality?  Where is the necessity?  Where is the actual thought in gift giving?

This started a whole conversation with Lamar.  We have been on a mission to simplify our lives lately.  We feel so fortunate for everything we have.  Our kids have more than they really need.  It is overwhelming the amount of stuff that piles up.

We have come to the conclusion that we are not going to have a consumer driven Holiday.  We want a simple event filled with love and laughter.  No stress of shopping or shipping.  We want to show our children what the Holiday is really about. What we would really enjoy is a great phone call or visit from the ones we love.  This is where we ask you, our family to help us out.  I do not want to appear ungrateful in any way.  We really see this as a way to make everything simpler and more enjoyable. 

To start off the Holiday season I am taking the kids to Iowa for Thanksgiving.  We hope to fill the family up with many warm fuzzies.  Lamar wants to make the trip with us, but the schedule just does not allow for it.  We will have some family time with him when we return to Oregon and a great meal with friends.

We are on a mission to make the most of the Holidays this year!