I know...I have not posted in a bit...but, my excuse is that we have just been so busy! If I add lots of photos will you forgive me??
Shianne turned 13! Yes, we officially have a teen. I took her to Portland with two friends and let them jump until they were exhausted at Sky High and then took them out for burgers, fries and extra large milkshakes.
Lamar also had a birthday, but his did not turn out as fun as Shianne's did. Someone decided to do a hit and run with his truck. Messed up the back end. Boo!
Our dishwasher also celebrated it's 5 year birthday. Why is this significant...well it decided to get a leak. We fixed the small leak that was originally found, but water was still coming out. After more research we found a HUGE hole in the pump housing. The cost to fix this part was close to the price of a new dishwasher. So, we got a new dishwasher. Do you know the best part of a new appliance...THE BOX!!
As if the box was not enough excitement, we got some SNOW!! Everyone in the house was thrilled about this. It was not much snow, but enough to make everything white. The kids all waited patiently until I said it was OK to go outside and play.
Calum was so excited to drive his car in the snow, but got really irritated that it would just not move.
Our driveway is the best for sledding!
Calum had so much fun. I just could not get him to keep his gloves on!.
Shi even got in on the action. She did try to show off a little and ended up in the blackberry bushes...I hope that taught her a lesson.
Zara thinks the snow is one of the best things ever. She loves to run and play in it. She ran so hard that she took a nap for the rest of the day.
After the snow play, Nora Beth and Calum took a bubble bath to warm up.
Shianne tried picking on her father and quickly learned that he can still open up a can of whoop-ass and show her who is boss!
Now, tomorrow I am going in to have my tonsils removed. Not my idea of a good time, but it needs to be done. Lamar is taking a few days off to take care of me.