Thursday, January 26, 2012

One Week Later

It has been a week since I had my tonsils removed.  One long, painful week.  Today is the first day that I can say that I see an end to the pain.  I can barely swallow.  Talking is excruciating.  I have had friends come and hang out with me for the past few days so I had a bit of help with Calum.  Today was the first day that I was completely on my own.  Calum and I survived.  Of course, he chose to not take a nap, so it made the day a bit harder.  I was so tired all day, but I knew that I could not sleep.

Lamar and Shianne have been so great through all this.  They have kept everything running here at home.  Hopefully by next week I will at least function a bit more.

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