Monday, November 9, 2009

A Tea Party Fit For A Princess

Nora Beth wanted a Princess Tea Party for her birthday. So we planned a whole afternoon of fun. I knitted each girl their own crown and added pink jewels.

Nora Beth helped me make tea sandwiches with ribbons on them. She was insistent on having strawberries. Not easy to find in November!

She also had to have a pink princess cake.

We both had to wear our royal jewels!

She was so excited to see her cake after I decorated it.

As a craft activity, the girls made magic wands. It was so much fun to listen to them giggle and make up magic words to say to each other.

I had to laugh at Mary Ann. She came out here to attend the tea party, and slept through it with Calum!


  1. I love your knitted crowns! The cake turned out so cute. How did you ever create it? It looks like Nora Beth had a wonderful day!


  2. Stacey! You never cease to amaze me! What an amazing party. NB will always remember her special day. You are going to have to knit me one of those crowns for my prop supply. So cute!!! -L

  3. oh I'm so glad pics were taken! I love Nora Beth's energy, her princess attitude and her sweet love of sparkle - she definitely wins my heart.

    she's also so lucky to have a mama like you!

  4. Awesome cake! Wonderful party. What a lucky little princess. :)
