Friday, December 18, 2009

My Talented Kids

Nora Beth had her first dance recital yesterday. She had been so excited for this. We all know that she is meant to be on stage. She was in three dance numbers, two ballet and one jazz. She did her routines almost perfectly and of course, added some extra Nora Beth Flair!

She was so excited to to take her hair out of the braids this morning because this meant she would have curls. Everywhere we went, she made sure everyone saw her curls. I have a feeling that Lamar and I will be spending quite a bit of money on salon visits as she gets older!

Today, Shianne's class performed carols at the local mall. She was so excited that I came to watch, but not that I brought the camera. She looked so pretty in her holiday dress. See that curl in her hair, that is all natural. Her hair has been turning very curly this past year.

And not to be left out is Calum. His new talent is rolling. He rolls all over the place. I have to keep a constant eye on him. This new talent is really wearing him out. He is also napping for me. I came into the living room and found that he fell asleep on the floor - he napped here for almost two hours yesterday.

He fell asleep in his Bilbo chair. I did not let him stay in this position very long, but I did run and grab the camera before I moved him!

Now, this is the way to sleep. The boys were supposed to be watching a football game.

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