Friday, March 19, 2010

7 Months

Time is going by so fast.  Calum is 7 months old today!!  What a beautiful day to celebrate, the sun is out and we have the whole day to play.

So what is Calum doing now?  He crawls everywhere, giggles all the time, he has 2 teeth and takes two naps.  I have gone from complaining that he does not sleep enough during the day to complaining that he sleeps to much!  He is such a happy baby.  Always smiling and making the cutest noises.  It is a good thing that he is so laid back since he is being toted around to all of his sisters practices every day.

In this picture he is "hiding" at the end of the couch.  He is so thrilled with himself when he pops his head around the edge of the couch, then just to disappear again.

Shianne and I went through his closet yesterday.  He is growing so fast, that I can hardly keep up with what is to small.  A huge box of clothes are on their way to a new baby, so that means it is time to go get some stuff that fits him.  He is wearing 18 month clothes...he is turning into quite the big boy!

Happy 7 months baby Calum!  I love you!!

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