Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My First Post

Here I am, finally putting my first post to print. I have been thinking about this for quite some time. What do I write about? Who is my audience? Why am I putting random events from my life down so strangers can read? Will anyone read this?

I am not sure exactly what I will be posting about, besides the randomness of my life. I will have family info so our family can see what is happening, birth info for my clients to see that I have another side of me and daily musings to keep myeslf interested.

I have been feeling out of place in my life recently. Part of me is missing. Where did it go? I know it is still there, just buried underneath all the "stuff" that has to get done everyday. I once had time for craft, leisure and sleep. I once was spontaneous and independent. I now chase two kids around, schedule activities, work a job with no set hours and depend on my husband more than I admit to. I really do love my life, but in order to be fair to all it's elements, I have to do some self care. I need to find "me" so I can be better for them.

What does my life include? I have a wonderful husband, Lamar, two beautiful girls, Shianne and Nora Beth and a housefull of pets, cats Jasmine and Jibby, dogs Boba and Zara and a fish tank full of non interesting fish. I am passionate about my work as a doula, although I am underpaid on many levels. We have a home up on a hill, a garden on the side, and dreams for the future. We have come a long way over the years. I want to be able to be present for what is happening right now.

Welcome to my journey Up On Lavender Hill.

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