The last time I actually wrote on here I was talking about how postpartum has not gone as I had hoped. I thought I would give an update.
I am feeling much better. Still not 100%, but getting better. Tomorrow is, hopefully, the last day of antibiotics. The antibiotics have caused their own problems, so I am now on the anti-yeast diet. No sugars or refined foods, lots of protein and acidifying foods. I have had to do this before, so I am familiar with the program.
Calum is doing great. He is getting so big. He is solidly in 6 month sized clothes. He is such a laid back baby. He does not like to nap during the day unless he is being held. He does sleep well for me at night. In fact, I have to wake him up to feed him during the night. This was the same with the girls. I just produce kids who do not sleep during the day, and sleep too much during the night! Calum does not mind the car seat, but he does not like to be in the car. Fortunately, we do not have many places to go. He DOES NOT like the grocery store!
Vane, Mary Ann and Helen are currently visiting. It is nice to have extra baby holders in the house. Nora Beth is also enjoying the extra audience. Lamar has taken this week off to spend time with his parents.
Glad to hear you are feeling better, but so sorry about the yeast. 16 months later and there was about 12 months of solid thrush in there, and it still crops up every once in a while. It just became a part of life, and we just took it one day at a time. I'll wait until your company leaves before I storm your house to visit you and baby.