Thursday, September 30, 2010

Stuff My Son Says

Calum is growing and changing so fast.  He is on a mission to become a big boy as fast as possible.  Today he learned how to climb into the dining room chairs. more reason why you cannot take your eyes off of him for one moment.

Calum understands everything you say or sign to him.  Just say "bye bye" and he will run to the door.  "Eat" and he dashes to his high chair faster than you can run after him.  Sign "milk" and he smiles and immediately demands to be picked up by me.

He is starting to say words.  He say's "dada," "door," "night," and "dog,"  He goes around the house saying "mom, mom, mama, mommy" in a way that it reminds me of Stewie from the Family Guy. It makes me wonder what is going on in his little mind.  Is he planning a hostile takeover of some sort?

He always tries to swipe the phone or remote control.  He does not know what to do with these things, but he does know that they are important and therefore worth hiding.  He last hid the remote in the dog water has not worked the same since!

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