Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Joy of LOVE: Day 1 At Work

For the month of February I am participating in an online class/challenge to photograph the person I love.  You are about to witness a whole month of LAMAR!  Each day will have a new theme.  The class is geared more to people who have DSLR cameras, which I do not have (yet), but I am game for the challenge.

Today's theme was to photograph at work.  It is hard to get a good picture with the terrible lighting in the store and without Lamar giving me a silly look as I snap pictures.  I did find a moment while he was busy counseling that he momentarily forgot that I was there.

Lamar works so hard at a job that he does not enjoy to provide for us.  I appreciate everything that he does so I can stay at home with the children.  I love you Lamar.

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