Thursday, November 27, 2008


Holidays bring a bag of mixed emotions for me. I just love to have a house full of people, food and fun. Unfortunately, we do not have any family here that we can spend the holidays with, so we fill our house with friends, and we have amazing friends.

I got up early to start cooking. The girls eventually wandered out of bed. Nora Beth put on her favorite dress - the one she insists on wearing everyday. Lamar put the Macy's Parade on TV. The girls love to watch this. I could not even pry Nora's eyes away long enough to take a picture.

After the parade, Nora insisted on doing her own hair. She thinks the barrettes look great with the three princess dresses she is wearing. Why be just one princess, when you can be three at one time!
After we ate dinner, the girls did a little performance. Shi on the piano with Nora on vocals. This is a scene we see daily, but it was an extra special performance tonight.
Joe and Joe spontaneously broke out into song, but no dance.
Lamar even got in on the action. He has been playing with Shianne lately, helping her with with her music lessons.
The evening was full of fun. laughter and food. We ate way to much, but isn't that what Thanksgiving is for?

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