Tuesday, October 20, 2009

100 Days of Calum, Day 56

Here is what Calum looks like when he sleeps in his bed at night. He is swaddled tightly in some stretchy fabric. When he is not swaddled, he does not sleep. This is what keeps our house happy. I had an official "swaddling blanket" but he was to big for it and could get himself out of it in a matter of minutes. I looked into purchasing a new one in a larger size, but I was blown away by how much they cost for just some stretchy fabric. I made this one out of some scrap fabric I had and it works perfect!

We took Calum in for his two month check up today. All is perfect. He has grown two inches in the past month and now weighs 14 lbs 4 oz! He has grown so much! Mama milk is good to him.

1 comment:

  1. My boys were swaddled forever. Calum looks so sweet and cozy :)

