Wednesday, October 14, 2009

100 Days of Calum, Days 39 to 50

Day 39
We went out to celebrate a friends birthday. Calum did great with the rowdy crowd and slept most of the time.

Day 40

Day 41
All wrapped up!
Calum does not sleep during the day unless he is being held by me. This poses a problem with me and getting anything done around the house. Here is our solution. I can get stuff done and he gets to sleep next to me.

Day 42

Day 43
Boba has been replaced!

Day 44
I just love these socks on him!

Day 45

Day 46
Nap time

Day 47

Day 48
Calum spent the day shopping with the WINGS ladies.

Day 49
He is extra snugly in this outfit

Day 50
All tuckered out!


  1. I am in love with day 49s outfit! I love it. I have to wear Ben a lot as well. I secretly love it though.
