Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Day of School

Today was Shianne's first day of school. Not only was this her first day of 4th grade, but it was also her first day in a new school. We decided to send her to our local school instead of driving across town. This is a decision that made her happy.

The summer went by so fast. It is hard to believe that school has started.
Nora Beth wanted to go to school with Shianne. She got her "lunch box" out and insisted on walking to school with Shianne. Nora Beth will start preschool in October.
Shianne was excited that she already knew a few of the kids in her class. She even had a student that attended her old school in her class. She gets to walk to and from school each day with her friend Holly. I am sure she will loose this enthusiasm as soon as the weather changes!

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