Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ping, Ping, Ping

This was a busy day for me. Shianne had soccer practice, we needed to to a corrective haircut for Nora Beth, bread store, bank, post office, store, etc. A few days ago I had picked some pears and apples from trees in my friends yard. These desperately needed my attention today. I canned 23 pints of applesauce and 21 pints of pears. The girls like to listen to the "ping, ping" that comes from the jars when they are cooling. This is a comforting sound to hear, since you now know that all your hard work resulted in a properly sealed jar.

I made a yummy dinner of manicotti with homemade sauce for dinner. I also baked a loaf of banana bread to take to my class tomorrow. I will get up early to make breakfast for the hungry football boys tomorrow. Lets see if the Vikings can pull one off tomorrow.

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