Tuesday, June 30, 2009

TWD: A change

I joined the baking group Tuesdays with Dorie about 8 months ago. I have really enjoyed it and I have tried some recipes that I would not have made without the challenge. I am feeling really overwhelmed by the number of desserts. We just do not eat this many sweets normally. Also, many of the ingredients used are not ones that I like to feed my family. This has brought me to the conclusion that I am leaving TWD. I am really wanting to expand my bread baking skills and cook more savory items. Don't worry, there will still be some desserts coming from my kitchen, just not as many. Tuesdays with Dorie is a great group and I highly recommend it, but it is just not the perfect match for me right now. Best of luck my fellow TWD bakers!

I will post next week about the new baking group that I have joined. I am really looking forward to it.

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