I had to go in today for another ultrasound of the baby today. We wanted to verify that my placenta has moved up and away from the cervix. This would give us the green light to move forward with our home birth plans. Fortunately, all looks perfect!!!
I was so determined to not find out what this baby's gender was. I really wanted the surprise. I even told the ultrasound tech that I did not want to know. As she was looking at the baby and taking measurements, baby made it very obvious that it wanted us to know that it is a BOY!!!!! There was no avoiding the goods, I have seen enough ultrasounds to understand what I was seeing. I was also able to see his adorable chubby cheeks and head full of hair.
Lamar is so excited. Of course, we would be thrilled with another girl. We love our girls. We have all the girl stuff. We know what to do with girls. A boy is going to be fun. Lamar has already checked out NFLSHOP.com - football season is just around the corner.
Nora Beth sums it up best. She stated tonight that she was excited that Shianne no longer has to be the prince when she plays dress up, there is going to be a real prince in the house now!
Congratulations on all fronts!