Saturday, January 31, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

Here are 25 random things about me, in no particular order.

1. I am TERRIFIED of moths
2. I have an obsession with cookbooks, I read them like literature
3. I CANNOT follow a recipe
4. I love my husband and the life we have created
5. I have two amazing daughters
6. I met my soul mate when I was 18
7. I dream of a culinary tour around the world
8. I WILL run a marathon
9. I love being pregnant, the ability to create life amazes me
10. I am passionate about my work
11. I still long to work with jewelry again
12. My husband lives in constant fear that I will purchase a home without consulting him...again!
13. I have amazing friends
14. I will throw a party for any reason
15. I love to work in the garden/yard
16. I love big belly laughs and need to do them more
17. I appreciate sleep much more as an adult
18. I collect and use my antique china
19. I have planned my next tattoo for several years
20. I do not like to drink coffee, although I love the smell of it
21. Horror films terrify me
22. I strive to make everyday a good day for my daughters
23. Macaroni and Cheese is the most incredible comfort food
24. I love big dogs
25. I have become a sports fan

So, did you learn anything about me?

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