Saturday, May 23, 2009

Technically, still on vacation

We made it home from Hawaii just fine. The girls were so excited to see us that they woke up extra early just to see us - or was that to see what we brought home in the luggage!

Fortunately, Lamar does not have to go back to work until Tuesday, so he is considering himself still on vacation. Jan and Marie wanted to go to the beach, so Lamar drove them over. It was a beautiful day and they really enjoyed themselves. Spending time on the Oregon beach was just not the same as the Hawaii beaches, but Lamar survived!

Today we loaded up in the van and headed over to the Oregon Garden. Marie has been fascinated by all the plants and flowers that we have here so we thought the garden would be the perfect place for her to enjoy. Luckily we were right!

Nora Beth was so excited to finally come to the Children's Garden. She remembered that this is where the Hobbit House is. She had so much fun running through the house.

Shi was looking for bugs while Nora Beth played.

There was even time for a good father/daughter time.

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