Thursday, May 28, 2009

I think she knows something....

I think she knows something is going on. Ever since I found out that I was pregnant, Jibby has been following me around the house and must be by me at all times. When I lay down, she must be by my side, or even better, perched on my stomach.

This is uncharacteristic of Jibby. This is Shianne's cat. I have been happy for the past 6 years to have a non-existent relationship with Jibby. I am not a fan of cats, I much prefer the big dogs. I tolerate Jibby just because Shianne loves her so much.

These days "The Jib" has become my sidekick - literally. I wake up in the middle of the night to find Jibby perched on my stomach. I kick her off the bed, only to find her return within minutes. It is like she is sitting on her own litter. She is protective of my stomach. She knows that there is something going on there. I am sure she is convinced that I am gestating "her baby." It is amazing how perceptive animals can be. I am just happy that I am down to single digits in weeks before this little one makes it's appearance and Jibby can reclaim her throne in Shianne's room.


  1. When I was pregnant with John, we used to joke that we could soon hand over the baby for our big cats to take care of, because they seemed so eager to meet the baby. Jibby is pretty cute.


  2. Throughout my pregnancy with the Infanta, Peppar would knead and knead and knead my belly. I kept expecting the baby to kick back at the invasive paws, but she never did; perhaps she found it soothing? When I was pregnant oh-so-briefly last month, she came and did the same. Even Eevie, who is almost as firmly Josh's cat as Jibby is Shianne's, came and cuddled up. I think you may have something with the protective instinct idea. Here's hoping I get to test it again before the summer's out!
