Sunday, July 5, 2009

Take me out to the ball game...

We had intended on spending the day doing projects around the house. Lamar and I tackled replanting the bamboo. That turned out to be more of a project than we had intended, but we did win the battle. Instead of doing anything else, we all rested for a bit and then headed to go see a Volcano's game. The weather was perfect, very small crowd and we were able to get great seats to keep the pregnant one among us comfortable.

Nora Beth did a culinary tour of the stadium. She had a hot dog, chips, soda, red rope, nuts, cheesy fries and ice cream. How is it that the smallest among us eats the most. She even left the stadium stating that she was hungry. She was trying her luck for some cotton candy, but we did not cave!

By the way, the Volcano's ended up winning 6-5 in the 10th inning. We had a great time. Probably the only game we will be able to see this year due to the arrival of the newest member of our team.

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