Friday, July 10, 2009


It is said that women feel this urge to "nest" when they are about to have a baby. This urge has completely skipped me so far. The only nest I feel like building is the one in my bed. I could spend the whole day in bed right now. I just need sleep. I get up at about 6 AM, go back to sleep at about 7:30 AM, wake up again around 10, attempt to get something done, nap from 1 to 4 and then go back to bed around 8 or 9. Growing a baby is exhausting! I am not getting much done!

I might feel more motivated if this baby was in a better position. He just does not want to stay in a position that is comfortable. There is really no comfortable position for me. Standing, sitting or lying down - nothing is good. He is still very active, but definitely running out of room. He is also getting much stronger.

When I was pregnant with Nora Beth I was getting massages every week and I also had a house cleaner. This time it is different. I do have the house cleaner coming in about 10 days to do a deep clean for me and I do have 2 pedicures scheduled in the next 3 weeks, but that is about all the pampering I am getting this time. I am not complaining, but I definitely feel the difference in not getting the massages this time!

I do have his room all put together. Not much of anything that we really need, except I do need to order cloth diapers still. I will do that next week. There are other projects around the house that need to get done, but I have no desire to do them. I really just want to hire someone to nest for me!

1 comment:

  1. The nesting urge pretty much skipped me too. I was really looking forward to the whole scour-my-house thing, but that urge never came. Instead, I just wanted to lay and read books.

    Here's to bed nests!
