Monday, July 27, 2009

While I have been napping...

I know that I have been quiet on here in the past few weeks. As I mentioned before, my motivation to do anything is at about zero. I am so tired. I just want to sleep. Family life has continued to go on. Here is just a bit of what has happened in the past week.

We do have a garden this year, but it is in no where near the condition it was in last year. The weather has been so weird. We got a late start planting and the temperatures have been rather cool. Things finally started to look good, just in time for the hot weather to wither everything away. The girls have been picking peas every few days. They are also getting enough blueberries and raspberries for morning breakfasts. The rhubarb has been over abundant and I have a bunch of squash that will need to be picked this week. Other than this, I do not hold high hopes for anything else coming from the garden.

Shianne has been at camps the past two weeks. She went to 4-H camp for a week. This was an overnight camp. She had so much fun. We will definitely be sending her back to this camp next year. She also did a day camp this past week that she also enjoyed. This day camp took her to several State Parks in the area where she learned about native animals and plants and participated in an ecological project each day.

Lamar bought a new ball and bat for Nora Beth. Her last one was left out in Zara territory and therefore became a snack! Nora Beth just loves to play sports. She has gotten really good at hitting any ball that is pitched to her. Of course, she has to do it her style, meaning cute shoes and a twirly dress!

Lamar has gotten in several rounds of golf. He knows that his ability to golf will be non existent in August because of helping me out with the new baby. I did get a great pedicure last week and the house cleaners come today to get the house ready for the baby to arrive.

We are just in waiting mode until baby decides to make his appearance!

1 comment:

  1. Not too much longer, me thinks...

    Those camps sound like so much fun and Nora Beth looks like quite the athlete.

