Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Still Pregnant

From the title that is all the baby information that I have for you. I am STILL pregnant. I feel very done. We are expecting him to make his appearance any day now, but we know that I could still be pregnant in two weeks - although we really doubt it. We thought that baby was going to make his appearance on Monday night, but he changed his mind. He did work his way farther down into my pelvis. I know that every day he stays in me he is growing bigger and stronger, so I don't want to rush his arrival.

Lamar has been great through all this. I know that I have been tired and cranky lately. The 100+ degree weather we are having right now does not help. Lamar has made it very clear that I am to just take it easy and enjoy these last few days. I am trying to do that.

Everything is ready for his arrival. We are still planning the home birth. My doula checks in with me every day to let me know where she is. That makes me smile. I know that Lora has her photography bag packed and is ready to run out the door when I call. My midwife is also only a phone call away.

We have been talking to the girls about how things will change when their brother arrives. Shianne remembers Nora Beth being born, so this is just a refresher for her. I am not sure that Nora Beth really understands how her world is about to change. I am worried on how she will react when he arrives. We will just have to wait and see how things are.

1 comment:

  1. It made me a little teary reading your last paragraph. Having a baby is so wonderful, but it does change a family. I am looking very much forward to your birthing time and to the coming year of seeing you all enjoy your new son and brother.

