Friday, July 17, 2009

A Week With Mommy

On Tuesday, Lamar, Nora Beth and I dropped Shianne off at 4-H camp. She was so excited for this camp. She is not that far away from home, only 4 miles, but it was to be a week with friends and fun activities. This is the first time she has gone to this camp.

After we dropped her off, the three of us headed to Portland. We wanted to spend the day doing my errand "to do" list. Nothing was overly important, but it was all things I wanted to get done before the little one arrives and I would not have a chance to do them for a couple of months. It was a great day. Nora Beth did perfect and earned some ice cream. I was even able to fit in a much needed haircut.

Lamar had to go back to work on Wednesday, so this has left Nora Beth and I home together. On Thursday morning I surprised Nora Beth with a trip to a local park that has a new water pad for the kids to play on. She had so much fun splashing in the water and chasing the ever moving water. We then went out for lunch together.

We have spent the rest of the week playing around the house. Nora has splashed quite a bit in her pool, we have played games, read lots of stories and cuddled for some great naps. Shianne comes home tomorrow, just in time for the big "Baby BBQ" that our friends are throwing for us. Should be a great time and our last big social event before the little one arrives.

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