Thursday, July 30, 2009

More Pregnancy Photos

Today turned out to be a great day. I felt so pampered by my friends. Amy came over and brought me lunch and some yummy chai tea. She also used the rebozo on me to help get the baby into a better position. It felt so good to have it done to me. Lora then arrived to take more maternity pictures of me. These are just a sampling. It was also a great way for her to experiment with the light in our house for taking birth and baby pictures. Later in the afternoon, Eryca showed up to help me with a computer program. It was so great to chat with everyone.

I now have nothing on my schedule for the next two months. It feels so weird to have such free time. I know that my days will be completely occupied soon, so I am going to try to enjoy this.


  1. The pictures turned out just wonderful (I just commented over in FB). I hope it won't be too long before I'm back at your house again.


  2. Oh, and you have Amy! Fabulous!

    Amazing pictures. Just... amazing.

  3. You are so lucky to have a free calendar for the next two months. I am currently stressing over Kyla's schedule. Unfortunately, it is custody stuff that I have no control over...but it is making me stress out and worry that that will of course be the time that I go into labor and my family is not understanding about why the kids can't visit them this month, etc...
