Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Catch-up

For those of you who read this regularly, you may be wondering....What happened to Stacey? There have been no posts for a week! For those of you asking this question, you get two posts in one day!

It has been such a busy week. Here is a quick re-cap

Monday brought us Monday Night Football. We made pizza and had friends over to watch the Vikings play.

Tuesday was Nora's first day of preschool (see previous post for more info).

Wednesday is the busy day of each week. Both girls have music classes. I also got more tomatoes and made salsa. I also made rosemary jelly, pepper jelly and curry jelly. The preserves all turned out beautiful. I can't wait to see their appearance on a cheese tray with some yummy wine! I envision a girl party in the near future.

Thursday, the day is not over yet, but so far I have canned pizza sauce, dehydrated tomatoes and cleaned around the house. Nora Beth and I will make a trip to the grocery store and Shianne has soccer practice. Tonight I am going to Oregon State University to see Birth, The Play, and participate in the post production panel of local birth workers. I will write more about this in tomorrows post.

Whew....that is about it.

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