Monday, October 13, 2008

Wardrobe Malfunction

Wardrobe Malfunction. This is a phrase that has etched itself into our vocabulary. I can now say that I have experienced my own wardrobe malfunction. On Thursday night I went to Oregon State University to watch a production of Birth, The Play. After the performance, I was on the panel for the talk back discussion.

It was during this production that the malfunction happened. Fortunately, no one noticed it but myself. Nothing was exposed, no modesty was broken, just a big wake up call for me. It is time to go shopping for clothes that fit me properly.

Why do I need to do this. Well, I am happy to say that I have lost a significant amount of weight. Something I have been wanting to do for several years. It has been a lot of work and I am thrilled with the results.

I did not decide to loose the weight from any kind of societal pressure, I just was not happy with myself. Part of that whole finding myself again that I mentioned in my first post.

Back to the clothes shopping. I got the girls up on Friday morning and we headed to the outlet mall. We were in the Gap and I had a whole pile of clothes to try on. I am such a bad judge of what sizes to get, so I just grab a pile and head in. I try on a skirt and to my surprise, it was to BIG. Now, this is an experience that has never happened to me. I put the skirt over the door and asked the sales girl for a size 2 because the size 4 and 6 were to BIG! Me....asking for a size 2!!!!! I did not need the skirt, but I bought it just because of the number that it had on the tag.

I know that it is a complete societal pressure to get stuck on a number. The number really means nothing. But that American Girl inside of me, saw that number and it made me happy. I had a moment of consumerism. All the work I have done over the past 6 months has paid off and the skirt really hit it home for me.

I also found some other great outfits. I was like a little kid shopping for candy. So much so that I lost track of time and realized that I spent the whole morning shopping and slacked off on the other things I needed to accomplish that day.

I went back to OSU later that evening for the second performance of Birth with a great new outfit and confidence that there would be no repeat of the wardrobe malfunction!


  1. Losing weight is no small undertaking. You look so beautiful on the outside AND the inside! Congratulations!


  2. Oh Amy *blush* you are too nice!

  3. You looked fabulous, too!

    And ditto what Amy said. :)

  4. That's quite an accomplishment!

    I can't wait to have your excuse to buy new clothes... :)
