On Sunday we had leftovers of chili and beer that needed to be consumed. This was just another excuse to have friends over again! We ordered a pizza for the kids and threw some veggies on a plate so there would be some food that resembled healthy. I put some black olives out. Nora Beth is convinced that they taste better when eaten off of her fingers. I remember getting in trouble for doing this as a kid. Sometimes you just need to have fun with your food.
Nicole stopped by to say goodbye after her short visit. Shianne is so attached to her. I so wish she lived closer to us. Darned her for wanting to lead an adult life. She needs to live with us until all my kids are grown and out of the house!
We said our goodbye's to her. We hope to see her near Christmas.
I always let my kids do olive fingers for the same reasons you stated -- no harm done.