I am sure that title got your attention. But I did. I cheated....on the Pinot that I normally drink. Lamar has been sick so he was unable to taste beer for our upcoming party. A friend of ours has started a brewing company and we wanted to support him with getting a keg. I am not a huge beer fan, but I have grown a bit to respect all that the brews can offer. I went over to his house to taste what he had to offer.
As pictured above, I tasted Belgium Pale Ale, Lill's Pills, Laurens Pale Ale, Oatmeal Ellie and Abbey3. Each had a very different taste. Oatmeal Ellie will make an appearance in a beef stew or BBQ sauce in the near future - I will even have to make up my own recipe to highlight the yummy flavor of this beer. I choose the Laurens Pale Ale for the party.
The brewery's name is Seven Brides Brewing and each beer is named after one of the seven daughters between the three partners, hence the name Seven Brides Brewing.
I came home and told Lamar all about what I had done. He looked at me with a blank face, fuzzy eyes and red nose. He promptly went back to his box of Kleenex and moaning on the couch. He said the Pinot would forgive me.
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