Sunday, December 28, 2008

Holiday Trip, Day 7

Today we ventured over to see Marie and Don and meet more of Lamar's birth family. This time cousin Shannon was in town with her two sons. It was fun to meet her. Nora Beth really liked playing with the boys. We were able to have a good conversation with Marie, Don, Karen and Shannon. Marie made some yummy treats, the cinnamon rolls were especially delicious. I need to learn how to make mine come out this way (hint Marie - I NEED your recipe!)

We all joked about how we half-way expected Jan to come trotting through the door. We would not put it past her to pull a stunt like that. We made it through the morning with no "surprise" visits.

We are still amazed by how well this reunion has gone with Lamar's birth family. We are so happy that it has been so positive for both sides. When I first found Jan on-line, I was actually scared to give Lamar her info because I had heard so many "horror" stories. Fortunately both sides have come through smiling.

On New Years Day, we will be heading back over to Marie and Don's to meet even more family. I am anxious to see what kind of yummy bread Marie will have this time!

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