Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Holiday Trip, Days 10, 11, & 12

OK - you are going to get the past three days all thrown into one post. It is not that we have been exceptionally busy, but more of me being very lazy and choosing to sleep, knit and read rather than update this blog.

One of the highlights of coming to Iowa is making pancakes with Grandma Helen. The girls rush into the kitchen in the morning proclaiming "I want to help!" This time Nora Beth made it first. I was just excited that she was actually wearing her robe, rather than running through the house naked like she usually does. This child just will not keep her clothes on!

Marie had given Nora Beth a jar of Marachino cherries, knowing that it is one of her favorite food groups. She has insisted on putting them on her pancakes every morning. No butter, no syrup, only cherries on her pancakes. She knows what she likes.

These pancakes are very different to me. I like the fluffy kind, these are more of a sourdough crepe style. Right now, the smell of them makes my stomach turn, but the girls and Lamar enjoy them so much that I am putting up with my discomfort, just to keep them happy (or is it I would have discomfort no matter what was being cooked?)

Mary Ann, Shianne and I went to go see the movie Marley & Me. Shianne just finished reading the book and I told her that as soon as she was done reading it we would go to the movie. So two hours later we were in the theatre. She took that declaration from me literally! It was such a cute movie. We laughed (ALOT!) and cried (big, wet, ugly tears!).

Many of you know that I am a big dog lover and we had a Lab named Anna for many years. I was so in love with that dog. She could do no wrong in my eyes. So many things that Marley did in the book/movie were stunts that Anna had done. Anna was a Lab that did not like water, retrieving or exercise. Her place was laying on the floor watching the birds eat her food. She ate the rose garden (yes, all 20 roses!), the lilac tree (this was no seedling), the living room carpet (she was just letting me know we had hardwood) and a chicken (yes the whole chicken, no taking bites here, the whole thing!). Of course there were numerous other stunts that she pulled, but I am just updating a blog, not writing a novel here. Oh, how we miss Anna.

Lamar and I took the girls over to Lennox to see the light display. This whole town decorates for the holiday. The central park is magical looking. The girls really enjoyed looking at the lights. We told them we would get them ice cream for the trip, but we found out that the local DQ still closes for the winter here. I guess no one around here enjoys ice cream when it is 7 degrees outside (I do, I do, hands waving enthusiastically!!!)

We have no water here in rural Iowa. No joke. The snow melted so fast that it overwhelmed the water processing plant, mixed sewer in with the drinking water and a public health warning was issued - no using the water. This really complicates daily life around here. I do not drink the water here anyways, it has a funny taste to me, but now we cannot even wash dishes and I am questioning showering and laundry - yes, my inner germophobe is coming out here! This warning is supposed to last for several days. Lamar stocked up on bottled water and disposable plates to get us through.

I spoke with Lora last night. She is booking a trip to Las Vegas for us to recover from our holidays. I just love it when friends know exactly what I need!

Lamar and I are heading into Des Moines to enjoy the New Years festivities with some college friends. This should be fun. Of course, I have the title of DD this year due to my current pregnancy status....maybe Lamar planned it this way...hum.....

I will update you more next year. Welcome 2009!

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