Tuesday, April 14, 2009

TWD: 15-Minute Magic - Chocolate Amaretti Torte

This weeks dessert really grabbed my attention. Ready in 15 minutes - this is something I could handle without a problem. Holly of Phe/MOM/enon chose this weeks dessert. There was no picture of this torte in the cookbook, so if left to my own devices, I probably would not have chosen it. I am so glad that I went ahead and made this.

I found the amaretti cookies at a local grocery store. They were not the ones that were suggested, but I was in no mood to drive to every store in town on a search. I used half of the 4 oz package and Nora Beth polished off the other half.

Just like the title says, this torte came together in 15-minutes. A no-fuss dessert. It came out looking more brownie like. The recipe stated glazing the torte. I chose to top it with ice cream, some fresh strawberries and then drizzled the glaze over the top.

I served this up to the family for dessert last night and I did not hear a word from any of them. They were to busy devouring the chocolaty almond goodness. Nora Beth even tried to lick her plate clean. I will take that as a home run dessert that should make it's appearance on our home plate again!

Holly, thanks for a great selection!


  1. Glad it was a hit at your house! I wish I'd skipped the ganache and topped mine with ice cream - I think I would have enjoyed it more!

  2. The strawberries make that torte looks very yummy! Great job.
