I went over to a friends house on Thursday to enjoy lunch and have our girls play together. It is always great to see friends. We had such a great conversation that hit so many different subjects, from the fun stuff to the serious stuff. Of course, the subject of my blog came up. It still amazes me that so many of you actually read this. So many of you cyber-stalk me in all the places I can be found on-line (my other blogs, website, Facebook, etc.).
My friend was asking me why my posts are just about all the good stuff in my life. I did not realize that my blog had that positive slant. I know that I have mentioned some of the negative things in my life. Trust me, I am just like you, and I do have my fair share of crap in my life.
I like to think of this blog as an eclectic kitchen sink with a combo of family life, food and personal musings. I have thought of having just single interest stuff, but I already have two other blogs that I write and the thought of separating this one just seems overwhelming to me right now. I actually like having the mix of everything. It is as if you are all over at my house in the kitchen being "real" with me.
It still feels weird to me at times to have my life so "out there" for everyone to see. I have nothing to hide. This is me. Take it or leave it. Fortunately, many of you, I see and/or talk to on a regular basis. There is a a small group that just "keeps tabs" on me here and will not talk in person - so be it. Then there are my "foodie friends." We may not know each other in person, but we can definitely relate to the love of food!
So here is to the kitchen sink - may it continue to be full of the "real stuff!"
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I think she knows something....
I think she knows something is going on. Ever since I found out that I was pregnant, Jibby has been following me around the house and must be by me at all times. When I lay down, she must be by my side, or even better, perched on my stomach.
This is uncharacteristic of Jibby. This is Shianne's cat. I have been happy for the past 6 years to have a non-existent relationship with Jibby. I am not a fan of cats, I much prefer the big dogs. I tolerate Jibby just because Shianne loves her so much.
These days "The Jib" has become my sidekick - literally. I wake up in the middle of the night to find Jibby perched on my stomach. I kick her off the bed, only to find her return within minutes. It is like she is sitting on her own litter. She is protective of my stomach. She knows that there is something going on there. I am sure she is convinced that I am gestating "her baby." It is amazing how perceptive animals can be. I am just happy that I am down to single digits in weeks before this little one makes it's appearance and Jibby can reclaim her throne in Shianne's room.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
My Active Girls
Shianne had a softball game tonight. Shi played well and her team won 13-12. They had a great rally in the last inning to capture the lead. Softball season is over in the next two weeks. The season has gone by so fast. I will have to admit that I will not miss the crazy schedule and traveling to games.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
TWD: Chipster Topped Brownies
We made it back from Hawaii and I was feeling up to spending time in the kitchen. We were planning a Memorial Day BBQ so I thought these brownies would be perfect.
I was thrilled with how easy they came together. I decided to use butterscotch chips instead of chocolate chips in the cookie portion. Lamar just loves butterscotch! I was not sure about the double layer of these brownies, but I was up for trying.
I found that the brownie layer and chocolate layer were wanting to mix together a bit while I was carefully spreading the cookie layer on top. I decided to give up the idea of a perfect presentation and just go with it.
These were a big hit in our house. Well enjoyed at the BBQ. I made Lamar take the leftovers to work today just so they would be out of the house and away from temptation. Thanks to Beth of Supplicious for choosing another great recipe from the book!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Rhubarb Crisp
I went out to the garden and picked some rhubarb and made a rhubarb crisp. Realizing that the crisp needed something else, I whipped up some fresh cinnamon ice cream. Homemade ice cream makes everything better! MMMM.....
Technically, still on vacation
We made it home from Hawaii just fine. The girls were so excited to see us that they woke up extra early just to see us - or was that to see what we brought home in the luggage!
Fortunately, Lamar does not have to go back to work until Tuesday, so he is considering himself still on vacation. Jan and Marie wanted to go to the beach, so Lamar drove them over. It was a beautiful day and they really enjoyed themselves. Spending time on the Oregon beach was just not the same as the Hawaii beaches, but Lamar survived!
Today we loaded up in the van and headed over to the Oregon Garden. Marie has been fascinated by all the plants and flowers that we have here so we thought the garden would be the perfect place for her to enjoy. Luckily we were right!
Nora Beth was so excited to finally come to the Children's Garden. She remembered that this is where the Hobbit House is. She had so much fun running through the house.
Shi was looking for bugs while Nora Beth played.
There was even time for a good father/daughter time.
Even more Hawaii
The sunsets we were able to enjoy every night were wonderful. Each night was a little different depending on how clear the sky was and how much vog (volcanic ash and fog) was in the air.
Lamar enjoyed his time on the golf courses. While he golfed I spent some much needed time in the day spa.
My own Scuba Steve! We went snorkeling on our last full day. The water was beautiful and we were able to explore the coral reef and see all kinds of marine life. There was even a pod of spinner dolphins when we arrived. I liked to watch the school of puffer fish.
We had a great time on our last evening watching the manta rays feed just after sunset. We were still in complete denial that we had to leave in the morning. We did make a promise to each other that we would get the girls over to Hawaii in the next year. Yeah, another vacation to look forward to!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The Curse is Broken!
One of the things Lamar wanted to do while in Hawaii was go fishing. He has had terrible luck with ocean fishing in Oregon. Every time he goes out, the boat is sent back in due to bad weather. The forecast looked perfect for our trip, so he was feeling confident about actually making it out to sea.
While waiting for our boat to be ready to leave we saw these turtles playing near us. They were beautiful to watch. As the boat pulled out of the bay we had dolphins along side us - wish I had the camera ready for that shot!
We made it off shore. The waters were a little rocky, but not bad. Lamar was convinced that I was going to be sick. He was prepared with ginger candy, bland snacks, mints, water, and the list goes on. Fortunately, I never got sick and really enjoyed the trip - much more than I can say for another passenger on the boat - she spent the whole time with her head over the side. Glad it was not me this time!
We were on a 4 hour charter and there were no fish biting - NONE! Lamar was feeling the curse coming back. Maybe sea fishing was just not for him. We were heading back to the dock and just before we entered the bay there was a strike on Lamar's pole. YEAH, FISH ON!
Everyone on the boat moved so fast. Lamar assumed his position on the chair and started working on getting the fish into the boat. It was really putting up a fight and it took all he had to get it into the boat.
Finally, after about 10 minutes, Lamar won the battle.
He is really needing a drink now!
The fish is called an ONO (or wahoo). It is a local fish found around the islands. 19 pounds and 46 1/2 inches long. The only fish caught on this day - so he gets the bragging rights!
Gonna look great on the BBQ when we get home!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Our first night, we just acclimated ourselves to where we were. Did a drive around Kona, found a farmers market and picked up some fresh fruit then went out for dinner. Yes, the umbrella drinks were initiated! Lamar enjoyed his first Mai Tai (and a few more after that!) We watched a beautiful sunset from where we were sitting. This view is very similar to the one from our condo.
On day two we headed to the beach. The weather was perfect, and since it was on a weekday, not much of a crowd at all. The water felt wonderful. So relaxing. I spent most of the time on the beach under an umbrella in a state of complete relaxation. Even in the shade, with sunscreen, I came away on the crispy side. The burn is not that bad, just a little tender. Oh, the curse of being a red-head with fair skin!
Yesterday we got up early and did a drive around the island. We wanted to go and see the volcano Mauna Loa. We were both fascinated by the scenery on the drive. When we made it up to the crater we found out that there was a warning out for high levels of sulphur dioxide in the air. We did not stay long since the air was making me feel sick. It was so foggy that we were not able to see much anyways. We did see some steam vents.
We made it around to the Hilo side of the island and found a wonderful botanical garden. The plants were so beautiful. The walk had us winding around a beautiful stream and took us to some amazing views of the ocean. I have an "I want" list that is a mile long after seeing all these beautiful flowers!
Today, I was able to sleep in. It was so wonderful to wake up to the ocean and and sound of the tropical birds outside my window. Lamar headed out early for a round of golf. I plan to completely enjoy my relaxing morning. I see a nap on the lanai in my future!
Tonight, there is an art and music festival happening. We thought we would check it out before heading to a luau (I know, more touristy than I like, but it sounds like fun.)
We are having a great and most importantly, relaxing time!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
On Vacation
We have left for Hawaii. Will try to post updates while we are gone. If not, please rest assured, that we are having a great time with umbrella drinks, sun and sand. Be back next week!
Friday, May 8, 2009
What's Next?
I find it rather ironic that the day after I post about all the roles a mom has, I find myself wearing all the hats at once.
I finally got the phone call that I have been waiting for and I run off to my final birth. It was so wonderful to be present at this birth. I was with this family 22 months ago and was honored when they asked me to be present with them again as they welcomed their second son. This birth also marked the beginning of my maternity leave from attending births. A bittersweet moment for me.
I make it home from the birth just before the sun starts to rise. I could hear Shianne coughing, but I thought it was just her allergies. She has such a hard time with them this time of year. After a discussion with Lamar, it was decided to take her in to the doctor. Turns out that she has pneumonia and a double ear infection.
Here is where I jump into all those hats with no sleep. I get her home. Go pick up Nora Beth from school, go get medicine, rush home, make dinner, get ready for class, re-arrange the sitter situation and head out the door for my final class. Come home, cuddle with the daughter, have a conversation with Lamar and go to bed. Wake up in the morning, Shianne is still coughing and now Nora Beth is vomiting on the freshly shampooed carpet. I deserve a designer hat!
So today, I have cleaned up the carpets, pampered the sick kiddos, baked bread, and the list continues. This gets me to thinking about the conversation that Lamar and I had early this morning. He wants me to write a book. I will talk more about this subject later. Looks like I have another hat to add to my wardrobe!
I finally got the phone call that I have been waiting for and I run off to my final birth. It was so wonderful to be present at this birth. I was with this family 22 months ago and was honored when they asked me to be present with them again as they welcomed their second son. This birth also marked the beginning of my maternity leave from attending births. A bittersweet moment for me.
I make it home from the birth just before the sun starts to rise. I could hear Shianne coughing, but I thought it was just her allergies. She has such a hard time with them this time of year. After a discussion with Lamar, it was decided to take her in to the doctor. Turns out that she has pneumonia and a double ear infection.
Here is where I jump into all those hats with no sleep. I get her home. Go pick up Nora Beth from school, go get medicine, rush home, make dinner, get ready for class, re-arrange the sitter situation and head out the door for my final class. Come home, cuddle with the daughter, have a conversation with Lamar and go to bed. Wake up in the morning, Shianne is still coughing and now Nora Beth is vomiting on the freshly shampooed carpet. I deserve a designer hat!
So today, I have cleaned up the carpets, pampered the sick kiddos, baked bread, and the list continues. This gets me to thinking about the conversation that Lamar and I had early this morning. He wants me to write a book. I will talk more about this subject later. Looks like I have another hat to add to my wardrobe!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
MOM - Manager of Miracles
For those moms out there, have you ever thought about what it is you do each day? What we do often goes unnoticed. I tried to come up with a list of all the roles I play on a daily basis - and this is just my work at home...
(in no particular order)
house cleaner
personal assistant
fairy godmother
personal shopper
I am sure that I left many things out. You also have to realize that this job is 24/7. You have to be ready for anything at a moments notice.
So, what do you think the value of this job is in monetary terms? According to the new numbers from Salary.com the answer is $122,732.00 annually. That is quite a pay check - one that I would like to receive. Although I can't complain about what I do get - random "I love you mommy," "you rock!," goldfish crusted kisses, and the best cuddle time. I would not change anything about my life. I love being a mom to my girls.
As for me, my presence has been requested at a tea party. I need to go find my tiara.
(in no particular order)
house cleaner
personal assistant
fairy godmother
personal shopper
I am sure that I left many things out. You also have to realize that this job is 24/7. You have to be ready for anything at a moments notice.
So, what do you think the value of this job is in monetary terms? According to the new numbers from Salary.com the answer is $122,732.00 annually. That is quite a pay check - one that I would like to receive. Although I can't complain about what I do get - random "I love you mommy," "you rock!," goldfish crusted kisses, and the best cuddle time. I would not change anything about my life. I love being a mom to my girls.
As for me, my presence has been requested at a tea party. I need to go find my tiara.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
TWD: Tiramisu Cake
This weeks recipe is brought to us by Megan of My Baking Adventures. The Tiramisu Cake sounded delicious. It has been another busy week around here - no time for baking. Between attending a birth, softball games and cleaning I do not know if I am coming or going right now. I promise I will get next weeks recipe made and posted. Have a great week and check out Megan's great choice!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Life Goes On
Many of you who are a part of my life on a daily basis know that I have been having a hard time lately. I have been in a dark spot dealing with grief. I have experienced the reality of a major loss in my life, one that I can only equate to the parallel of the grief process of death. It truly is the death of a relationship. I never wanted this to happen. It is a train wreck that has gone out of control.
This relationship has always been very important to me. One of the few constants that I have had in my life. One that I never saw ending. This not only affects me, but also my children. This relationship was very important to my oldest daughter. She also does not understand why things changed. My youngest does not even know this person. What a shame, but right now, it may be a good thing for her. She does not have to experience this pain. I have another child that will be joining our family soon, that I fear, will also never really know this relationship.
It is times like this that I really value my friends, my chosen family - for that is what you truly are - my family, regardless of the lack of DNA. Lamar, my husband, has also been amazing with all of this. You have all been there for me. Keeping me busy, sending notes, taking me out...thank you.
I realize that life goes on, and that is what I am doing. I have so many great things in my life. I am truly blessed. I have a wonderful husband and daughters, amazing friends and work that I find fulfilling.
I had the pleasure of attending a birth yesterday morning. As I was driving to my laboring mama I passed a massive house fire. I found out later in the day that the house was completely destroyed. What a contrast in life. I am on my way to help welcome a beautiful baby boy into the world and at that same time a family is experiencing a major traumatic experience. You never really know what the day has in store for you. We need to treasure what is important to us.
So what does the picture of the zinnia have to do with any of this. Well, zinnias are special flowers to me. This particular zinnia is completing it's life cycle and will soon go to seed. But that is not the end of it...it will live on in the flowers that will grow from it's seeds. Life goes on. I will get through this. I have many more flowers to plant and nourish.
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