Wednesday, August 26, 2009

1 Week Old

It seems unreal that a week has passed since Calum joined our family. He fits in so perfectly. I am just in awe of him. So in love. I can literally spend the whole day just looking at him.

The girls are doing great with him. Shianne is such a big help. Nora Beth just wants to dress him up. We have been trying to spend some extra time with each girl and have been giving them the opportunity to be involved as much as they want to be, on their terms. Even Lamar gets lost in just holding him. What a special time.

Lora has been over almost every day to take pictures of him. They are turning out so great. I can't wait to see them in completion.

We have also had friends bring us dinner almost every night. This is a huge help for us. Cooking is the one thing that has been so hard to do since it is not Lamar's specialty and I do not feel like spending time in the kitchen right now - it just takes time away from me staring at Calum!

I want to thank everyone who has helped us out. This transition would not be nearly as easy without your help.

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