Friday, August 7, 2009

In Hot Water!

A few months ago the instant hot water heater under my kitchen sink died. I was very sad about it, since I use it every day for my tea. I know that it is not difficult to heat water in the microwave or on the stove - but both of those take time and I like the instant gratification of near boiling water. I don't even own a tea kettle. I know that I am always advocating for "green" stuff here in the house, but sometimes, the "I wants" get the best of me.

I searched for a new heater that would be compatible with our sink and I finally found one. Lamar got it for me last week. Even he is spoiled by the convenience of the hot water. Some of you may remember how we came to have the original instant hot water. When I was about seven months pregnant with Nora Beth, Lamar decided to clean the fish tank in the kitchen sink. Some rocks fell down into the garbage disposal and I turned the disposal on, not knowing what he had done. We suddenly had the need for a new garbage disposal. I figured that while installing the new disposal I would treat myself to the hot water that I had been wanting. It was quite the experience installing the disposer and heater on my own while seven months pregnant. You would think that I learned my lesson.

Obviously, I did not! Today I dismantled the old unit and installed the new one. This was much more difficult at 9 months pregnant. I am sure I was quite the sight, pregnant belly and legs hanging out from under the sink. Once I got on my back, it was next to impossible to move and took me much longer to accomplish than if I had been more able bodied.

I am happy to say, that all is in working order and I now have my hot water back. Can't wait for the first cup of tea.


  1. Awesome!

    Um, that you have hot water again, not that Lamar has yet again failed at manliness. ;P

  2. What? No pictures?

    So glad your hot water is back on tap.


  3. Hey!!! I took pictures of this on your camera. Aren't you going to share? It is quite the site. :) My dishwasher is broken, can you come fix that?

