Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A BIG Spring Indulgence

One of my favorite signs of Spring is the arrival of artichokes and asparagus in the stores.  I headed shopping this morning and could not pass up these perfect artichokes.  Lamar is not a fan, so I thought these would make a great dinner for us girls since he is still gone.

I steamed the artichokes and made a Hollandaise sauce.  The girls and I just devoured the artichokes.  I was expecting Nora Beth to not like them, but she just loved peeling off each leaf and dipping it in the sauce.

One of my clearest memories of my mother is sitting on the living room floor eating artichokes.  She taught me to peel off each leaf and dip it in butter. I am so happy that my girls enjoy them as much as I do!

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