Friday, April 9, 2010

My BIG Ball Players

Little League season has started and is in full force in the Lindsay home.  Both girls are playing.  Shianne is playing AAA softball and is on a traveling team.  Nora Beth is playing her first year of tee-ball.  With both girls playing, we have a practice or game on every day of the week except Sunday.  There are many days when both girls need to be someplace at the same time.  Also remember that we have ballet and piano every week.  I am putting the miles on the van right now!  Good thing Calum is so happy to just be out and about!

Nora Beth had her first game this week.  It was so cute to see her playing.  The kids are so funny to watch at this age.  We laughed the whole time.  Nora Beth is so serious about playing.   She has her purple glove and put sparkly stickers all over her batting helmet.  She must be bedazzled at all times!

The girls have grown so much.  Nora Beth has gotten so tall, although you cannot tell when she is standing next to her equally tall sister!

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