Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A BIG Moment of Peace

After putting the girls to bed last night I went and pulled Calum out of his bed and brought him downstairs with me.  We just laid in bed and cuddled and nursed then fell asleep.  It was so wonderful to have that quiet time just with him.  My mind was not wandering, no mental talk happening.  Just fully present with him.  He is so cute when he sleeps.  Every time I moved, he would reach out just to make sure I was still right next to him.  We fell asleep together and the next thing I know, Lamar was walking in the room.  I was so happy to see Lamar, but sad that it was time to put Calum back in his bed.  Calum is growing so fast.  I want to have so many more of these moments with him.

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