Thursday, April 15, 2010

My BIG Busy Day

I mentioned two days ago about how I am usually multitasking and doing several things at once.  This is so normal for me that I do not think about it.  I had a busy day today, here is what it looked like

5:45  Calum wakes up
Text Lamar, feed Calum and change diaper
Nora Beth gets up, then Shianne
Check e-mail
Get them breakfast, feed animals
Get girls ready for school
Take Nora Beth to School
Make Shianne lunch
Feed Calum and change diaper
Make myself breakfast
Take shower
Get Calum dressed
Take dogs to vet
Come home to find laundry room flooded
Feed Calum and change diaper
Clean up laundry room
Figure out where leak came from
Go to hardware store to get plumbing parts
Get Nora Beth from school
Make lunch
check e-mail
Feed Calum and change diaper
Put Calum down for nap
Do dishes
Clean kitchen
Wipe down all woodwork in lower level of house
Clean half-bath
Water plants
Move planters outside
Calum wakes up
Feed Calum, change diaper
Take Shianne to Amphibian class
Go to Costco
Pick up Shianne from class
Come home, make dinner
Clean up kitchen
Feed Calum, put him in bed
Put Nora Beth to bed (in my bed tonight)
Teach Shianne a new knitting stitch
Knit for 45 minutes
Take dogs outside
9 PM start blog post
Get ready for bed
Go to bed
Wake up three times during night for miscellaneous children or animals that need my attention
5:45 starts all over again

Now, keep in mind that during all these activities, the phone is ringing, kids are crying, dogs are running around, cat is getting into something that she should not be, a snake is caught, piano is practiced, someone is ringing the doorbell, and I still have to breathe!

This is just my day today, and it was a relatively quiet day!

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