Monday, February 9, 2009

The World, According to Nora Beth

Nora Beth went to a birthday party at the Carousel on Sunday morning. She has been so excited about this party. In fact, when the invite arrived in the mail, she took it and has been sleeping with the invite - she did not want to miss the party! Of course, the party was so much more interesting since it was held at the Carousel - one of her favorite places! Happy Birthday Isabel!

After the party, we came home and started working on projects around the house. My office is almost completely moved upstairs now. I have done so much cleaning and organizing with this project.

While I was busy working, Nora Beth was keeping herself occupied with her art project. She was so proud of the picture of the World that she created. The large black spot on the lower left corner is where we live on the earth and she was able to point out all the houses of the other important people in her life (grandparents, Melina and YaYo). Her artwork is displayed proudly on the fridge - the best art gallery in town!

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