Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Food Budget, Day 9 and 10

For Monday's dinner I used up the leftover root vegetable tagine from Sunday's dinner and made some Thai Green Curry with chicken and vegetables. I also used the leftover chicken from Sunday's dinner. I paired this with some brown rice. It was a delicious and simple meal.

For Tuesday, I really did not do much food-wise. I woke up with another migraine headache. The family had cold cereal for breakfast. I did make some yummy sandwiches for lunch. My head was so bad by afternoon, that Lamar took the girls to bowling just so I could have some quiet in the house.

I had intended to talk about a well stocked pantry and what it looks like for me, but my head hurts to much to think about that right now. I will hit this topic tomorrow.

These migraines are really getting old. I had to cancel on a client today. I really hate to do this, but I could not even listen to the dogs breathe today, let alone carry on a conversation. I know my family is tired of this too. When I am cranky, they all suffer, not just food wise. Lamar was great dealing with the plumbers and getting Nora Beth out of the house for me today. I am sure that I will even be able to talk him into a back rub tonight with the guise that it will make my head feel better.

As I mentioned, the plumbers came to fix the bathtub leak today. The leak was far worse that we had originally thought and they left with almost $700 of our money. This definitely did not help my headache! I did enjoy a bath this evening - it did not help my head, but it did relax me.

If anyone has a great remedy for pregnancy migraines, please send me your ideas. I have done acupuncture, massage, salt water, caffeine, Tylenol, ice packs, cold dark rooms, mediation and magnesium....I NEED HELP!!!!!!!


  1. You poor thing! So glad your bath is in working order, as every pregnant lady needs her bath. Sorry you had to part with so much money, though, to get it.

    I hope your headaches ease off very soon.


  2. Dang, you guys are just hemorrhaging money on repairs lately! That really sucks. :(

    Wish I could help with the migraines.
