Friday, February 6, 2009

Food Budget, Day 6 and SPAM on the brain

Just as I was sitting down to write this post, a segment came on the news about SPAM. No not the stuff that clogs your inbox every day, but that mystery canned meat that has become legend in Pop Culture. Apparently, as the recession is really hitting home for many, sales of SPAM have skyrocketed. I looked up what was really in this stuff and was appalled, but not surprised. It consists of chopped pork shoulder meat with ham meat added, salt, water, sugar and sodium nitrite. MMMMM..... There are 170 calories per serving with 140 calories coming from FAT! There are no measurable vitamins or minerals on the label. This is NOT FOOD, yet it is being served across the world as a meat substitute. No wonder peoples waistlines expand in times of recession.

I have completely regressed. On to what I actually made for dinner, and no, SPAM is not part of it. I had to go to Costco today, so I picked up a few things, keeping my budget in mind. I spent $22.27 on food - this itself is an amazing feat. I felt like such the minority in line, with only a few items, but each of my items was REAL FOOD. This puts me maxed out on my budget. No more shopping until next week, which should be easy, because I have plans for everything I purchased and it should get my well into next week before I need some fresh produce.

For dinner I made fish tacos. I had some Mahi Mahi in the freezer that needed to be used up. I just cut it into small cubes, tossed it in some grapeseed oil and taco seasoning. Nothing was measured. Any firm fish would work for this, even shrimp and scallops - really, you are only limited by your imagination. While the fish cooked on the stove, I sliced up some cabbage and green onions and added shredded carrot. For a sauce, I only had a little bit of sour cream, so I mixed it with some mayo and salsa - this made a delicious sauce. Some cilantro would have been yummy in this, but I did not have any. I put the veggies on a warm tortilla, added some cheese, the fish and topped it with the sauce. DELICIOUS! The girls commented on how good it was. I loved how easy it was, plus very budget friendly. Had I thought more ahead I would have paired it with some black beans and corn cake, but I chose to take a nap instead.

I also baked a loaf of whole wheat bread and a loaf of Banana Bread today. This should get us through the weekend. For those of you who think baking bread is difficult, you need to get the book Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day. You can truly make bread with 5 minutes of effort. I will post more about my bread making efforts next week. As for me, I am off to spend the evening with some girlfriends, hence, why I needed the nap earlier.


  1. I, too, have NEVER understood SPAM, or the fact that is a comfort food of Hawaii?!? Really, any meat product in a can frightens me!

    Glad to hear your endorsement of Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day. I still haven't tried anything from it. I keep meaning to, but have a sourdough starter that I am faithful to and I am a bit obessed with Peter Reinhart's Whole Grain book at the moment. I have his whole wheat naan rising on the counter!

    Happy bread baking!


  2. That is too funny that you were talking about spam. My best friend lives in hawaii and was on her cell phone with me the other day. She was at a mcdonalds drive thru and I heard her ask for spam,rice and eggs. I asked her about it and she said they have spam everywhere even mcdonalds. I had never heard of that let alone rice at mcdonalds. I am not an advocate for mcdonalds anyway but that was just too funny.

  3. Peter Reinhart's book is another great one. I do find his process to be a bit more complicated for the beginning bread maker. I think the 5 Minute a Day bread is a great starting point to the basic principles of homemade bread then the once the baker is comfortable they can graduate to Reinhart's book. I bake from both and a variety of other books.
