Tuesday, February 3, 2009

TWD: World Peace Cookies

It's Tuesday, so that means Tuesday's With Dorie! I was really excited about this weeks challenge. I was intrigued by the amount of chocolate and salt in these cookies. A combination that makes this pregnant baker very happy these days! I made these for our Super Bowl party, and no one was disappointed. I have come to the conclusion that I need to host a social event once a week just so I do not eat all these yummy creations myself!

This weeks challenge of World Peace Cookies was brought to us by Jess of cookbookhabit. These cookies were easy to make, but did call for a large amount of good chocolate...not something that would fit into this months food budget, so I made them the day before (sneaky me!). The secret ingredient is fleur de sel - an exotic salt that just makes these cookies. I had just purchased some in December so I did not have to run out to our local gourmet shop for this ingredient.

I found the dough to be a bit to crumbly to hold together for me, so I added a touch of milk and that did the trick. I rolled into a log and put in the fridge over night. They sliced up easy. I had to bake them for about 3 minutes longer than the instructions called for, I find this often since I bake on stoneware.

These cookies were delicious. Very chocolaty and indulgent. The extra amount of salt just makes the flavor come out and gives it a bit of distinction. I would have to say that this has been my favorite TWD recipe to date. Now, I just need to plan a party around these cookies....I am thinking girlfriends, martinis and chocolate!


  1. I have heard so many things about these cookies. They look amazing! Did they have nuts or was it just chocolate?


  2. Just chocolate. No nuts - unless you count the cook!

  3. Aren't these great? An added bonus for us pregnant people - you can eat the unbaked dough guilt-free!

  4. These were good, werent they. Yours look tasty.
