Thursday, August 28, 2008

Are We There Yet?

We left early this morning for our trip. I really wanted to show the girls the Redwoods in N. California. The trip started out great. About the time the Jamba Juices ran dry the "are we there yet?" started to chime from the back seat. I put in a movie and all was well. When we bought our van, I thought the VCR was a bit excessive, but now, I can not live without it for a long trip.

We made great time getting to the California/Oregon border. There is a small grove of Redwoods just over the state line. The girls were amazed with how big the trees were. Shianne had been through the Redwoods before Nora Beth was born.

We stopped and walked around a bit. Nora was just amazed by the size of the trees. Of course, Shianne was looking for bugs and other creepy crawly things. The forest smelled so good. A wonderful sweet earthy scent.

We left the Redwoods and headed north to Gold Beach. This is where we would spend the next few days. The girls were so excited to see the ocean. We rented a cabin next to the beach. They also enjoyed the hot tub overlooking the ocean.

We quickly made it to the beach to let the girls run off some energy. The tide was in and the wind was blowing. We saw a kite being flown by someone who obviously knew what he was doing.

The girls looked for fun rocks to throw. Of course, Nora Beth began to dance to her own music. It was very cute to watch her spontaneous but elaborate production.

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