Friday, August 1, 2008

A Carousel Reward

Today turned out to be a bonus day with the girls. I am on call right now for two births. I was expecting one of the moms to call me out last night, but she never called. I was surprised to wake up this morning with Nora Beth cuddling with me. Nora Beth does not like to cuddle unless it is on her terms only. It was a great way to start the day.

I know that today turned out to be a bonus day with the girls. It is always hard to make plans when I am on call. I have just these two births to do and then I am free for several weeks to play. Fortunately, the girls adjust really well to my crazy schedule. I have lots of plans to do things while I am "off" that I do not get to do when I am expecting a mom to begin labor.

After a lazy morning, we headed out to do my errands. I seem to have a never ending list of things that have to get done. Whoever coined the term "Stay at Home Mom" was grossly mistaken. I feel bad taking the girls with me. I know it is no fun for them, it is no fun for me. We went to the mall, bank, bread store, and hardware store. I told them if they were good then we could stop off at the Carousel for two rides. This made Nora Beth very happy. She was on perfect behavior.

So as promised, we stopped at the Carousel. We are so fortunate to have this wonderful attraction in our city. The horses are all hand carved. The girls each have their favorites. Nora Beth likes Magic the unicorn and Shianne likes Big Sky.

Baby Alex came along for the ride with Nora Beth. She carries that doll around everywhere with her. Nora Beth rode on Magic and the Wagon today.

Shianne knows the stories of each of the horses. Here you see her riding on Jazz. Big Sky was her first ride of the day.

We made it home just in time for the rain to begin. The dogs had pitiful looks on their faces, so I let them in the house. They are such wimps when it comes to being outside. The rain is good for the yard and garden.

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