Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Horsing Around

Two years ago we took a family vacation to central Oregon. We had a wonderful time. While visiting Sun River and riding horses we saw these great "play horses." I knew that we must have one of our own. It was a very simple concept. A large spool from the electric company, some scrap wood and some rope. I got the spool many months ago and it has been sitting abandoned in our back yard since. I finally decided that today was the day to make the horse. I could not find the picture of the original inspiration horse, so I just winged it.

It does not look quite like the one I had seen. I will play around with the nose. There is a full tail that you cannot see in the picture. The girls are thrilled to have something new to climb on. I love the fact that it did not cost me anything to make. Just about 2 hours of my time. It goes great with our homemade play structure that my brother made for Shianne as a surprise after we bought this house. Boba was excited that I made him something new to mark in the yard!
We are on day 6 of the food budget. Tonight I made Honey BBQ chicken with a Roasted Corn Salad. I got the recipe from the August Real Simple Magazine. Very simple to make. I will estimate that dinner cost about $5.00 total. The corn and green onions were fresh from the farmers market and I purchased the chicken on sale for $2.00/lb. A very tasty meal. There is enough left over for lunch tomorrow.
I still have not been called out for a laboring mama, but I think that may change tonight. I have been very stressed about both moms having their babies on the same day. I arranged today for a second backup doula just in case. Since I made extra arrangements, the moms are sure to have their babies on different days. Lets hope they are both here by Saturday morning. I have a concert to go to on Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, yes. Taking extra precautions usually makes things end up way more simple than you imagine.

    Dinner looks yummy (we did the lemon/broccoli pasta last night) and I love your "horse". What an awesome idea!

