Monday, August 11, 2008

Food Budget, Day 11

We spent the day doing yard work. I got some soil to add to the large planters in the back yard. We also removed most of the plants from the front yard and the barkdust from the flowerbeds was moved to the fence line. We are completely re-doing our front yard so we can have green grass and pretty flowers again. This is a project that will take us into the fall and hopefully by spring our front yard will be pretty again.

Dinner was quite simple tonight. I had some steak in the freezer and some vegetables that I threw on the grill with teriyaki sauce. I also made some barley. The whole meal was very yummy. We had some watermelon for dessert.

I am still waiting for a mama to begin labor. I am going to work at the birth center tonight for just a few hours. Tomorrow I am going to take Shianne shopping for some school clothes. It is hard to believe that school is just around the corner.

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