Monday, August 4, 2008

Snake Hunting

While I spent so much time in the kitchen today, the girls kept themselves busy by hunting snakes. Shianne just loves to catch anything creepy and crawly. No rock has been left unturned in our yard (or neighborhood!). Nora Beth likes to get in on the action also, but she is usually dressed as a princess. A tiara always helps find snakes. Here is today's find! At least Shianne found some gloves to wear today.


  1. You say that much nicer than I usually do! LOL!

    :) Stacey

  2. She would love my house. My husband breeds/raises/sells many different types of snakes. A link to it is on my blog under "Ryan's Business". By day he is a CPA but at night he comes home and takes care of the snakes. Otherwise, we are a normal family :)
