Saturday, August 16, 2008

Party like a Rock Star!

Tonight I went to a charity dinner auction with my friend Lora. The theme was "Party like a Rock Star." Our table had a 50's theme so we donned the Pink Lady look. There were some great costumes and a fun crowd. Of course, I am a sucker for charity events and I came home with some auction items - a tea basket and a wine basket. We got silly on the dance floor. An all around fun evening.

For the food budget, I made a Cuban meal tonight. Mojo pork with Cuban black beans. Lamar ended up being the only one eating it, but there is plenty of leftovers to eat for lunch tomorrow when I will be busy getting ready for the doula potluck I am hosting. This meal is a favorite of mine. Not only is it easy to prepare and throw in the crock pot, but it is very budget friendly and so dang good I could lick the plate!

The girls helped me in the garden today. We pulled weeds and made some raised planters. We need to get the fall crop in the ground. We are going to do some lettuces, kale, peas, beans and carrots.

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